Data technology essential for business growth through marketing


Two columns by startup CEOs in the online edition of Entrepreneur magazine this week highlight the importance of technology adoption for young businesses to survive and thrive. Outsourcing work with the help of b2b lead generation services or payroll distribution services has always shown positive results, but with the new technology, a business can become more efficient. The pieces, which focus specifically on marketing and its automation, note the benefits of gathering data to help accelerate growth. The more information is taken into account, say the authors, the easier it will be for companies to grow and, vitally, continue their smooth operations down the road without having to undertake unwieldy updates at every stage.

The columns emphasize the importance of meticulous planning over a “get-it-done mentality,” further supporting the need for data collection and analysis. FileMaker is a powerful database tool that can help businesses of all sizes increase their productivity by organizing all the information they’ll need, thus helping to streamline operations. Marketing is just one of the departments that will benefit, as a FileMaker database can track a range of information from sales numbers to internal financial data.

FileMaker development is available to business managers who choose to have certified database creators help them in this department. A more in-depth option is FileMaker training, which is carried out by licensed teachers who can impart all the necessary knowledge for companies to establish their own databases and be able to keep all their information up to date in the future.

Data backup and recovery services are also a must for any enterprise to keep its most sensitive information safe at all times. An offsite back up is often the wisest option for companies to ensure that all data is recoverable in case of a hardware failure or security breach. In an age when so much information is processed, having it safe and accessible is vital for a company’s strategic planning .