What will the next iPhone offer to enterprise users?

Since photos depicting a possible new iPhone surfaced online, speculation about exactly what the next model will look like has continued to escalate. In a piece for a Washington Post technology blog, contributor Hayley Tsukayama noted that the rumors surrounding the much-discussed "iPhone 6" are a mix of reasonable assumptions and "wacky" guesses.

She says one logical change would be to increase the size of the iPhone's screen, which would bring it in line with many of the devices being offered by competing companies. A larger screen could be a welcome change for professionals who typically do a lot of reading on their smartphone, as answering email and other day-to-day tasks could be made that much easier.

An article from Wired noted that Apple has applied for patents on advanced gesture recognition technology that could have numerous applications. Both sources cited rumors that Apple plans to include an improved version of its Maps application in iOS 8. Tsukayama also highlighted one somewhat outlandish prediction made by Seeking Alpha analyst Matt Margolis, who says he believes Apple is working on developing a screen that would use solar energy to charge the phone.

"That seems a bit far-fetched," Tsukayama writes. "But, of course, you never know with Apple"

There are many other possibilities, but the company has "remained characteristically tight-lipped about its plans," making it difficult to predict what business users should expect to see from Apple next. Regardless of exactly which features make it into the next iPhone, it's clear that Apple devices will continue to play a larger role in the daily operations of companies.

If your business is considering an iPhone or iPad deployment, reach out to an IT consulting firm with experience in iOS management to ensure that your team has the training and support necessary to make effective use of their devices.